Tim (Fractal Footwork)

“If literally one thing goes wrong—if the team needs to call for help or a tow truck, if they get stopped, if they crash—literally anything goes wrong here and these guys would be pulling resources from an otherwise already overloaded system, not to mention potentially increasing the risk of contracting coronavirus by

The Gang Dilutes a Brand Name

Last week I bowled a 147.  I could have bowled a 300 but I chose not to.

So the answer to the headline question is: Do with them the the exact same things you were doing with them last week. Thanks for that deep insightful journalism.

What’s with all the Corvette bashing here? It’s almost like you people don’t like cars or something. This thing looks great, even with the wacko camo. Looks like a Ferrari, you say? Yeah, well dolphins look like sharks, too...and they both look cool.

Yes I was kidding.

Down with horsepower. Up with weight.

Here’s a couple pictures I took this morning of them arriving at the shop where the owner stores his cars. The red record holder was among them but I was in awe of it and didn’t get a picture.

I love this car, but damn, I hate front license plates...

Don’t feel bad. Everybody sucks at aerodynamics. Well, I guess people who have actually studied aerodynamics don’t,

Joe is 74 years old. He worked hard all his life and then became a great politician who ended up being next to the most powerful man in the universe. Now their 8 years are done and an orange guy lives in their house.