
Why would you want Kotaku’s Professional Video Game Expert Tim Rogers to get fired?

Because it is...?

You really have no idea how much games cost, do you?

People complaining about not showing more backstory on Thanos, Xandar and The Black Order are probably the same guys that say the Star Wars prequels explain too much and lose the mysticism of the OT. 

I don’t follow him, so that could be true, I hope it is, as you said, time will tell

It makes me upset that someone that speaks for equality and respect as much as Chloe does on social media is dating a jackass like Logan Paul which is as obnoxious and disrespectful as you can get. It makes me question how much of what she talks is real and how much is just pandering to her followers.

So, will this be the final Wii game, or will Just Dance 2010 also come to Wii? We’ll find out in a year, I guess.

What if I think it’s a good bussiness model? I’d rather pay 100 bucks a year to play everything I want than 60 for FIFA, 60 for Battlefield, etc. If you only want one of those you can still do that, it’s just an option, and a pretty good deal at that.

It doesn’t have huge range, but with the building mechanics it makes it easy to close distances without the risk of being shot down from afar

Too much shotguns is, every single player uses shootguns if they want to win.

Avengers 4 was filmed alongside Infinity War so they finished those before they even started on Captain Marvel.

No problem

They said the exact opposite:

To be fair “El chino” is not meant as an insult but as a nickname, and it’s because he has some asian features, and they call him that here in Uruguay too.

After all, there’s a reason Hawkeye and Hawkgirl disappeared into the Great Blue Sky in the final episode of the inaugural season. 

You really think they haven’t found voice actors for characters appearing in a movie that releases a little over a month from now?

By being one of the best Marvel shows on air?

But then you have to open all the applications again, and ain’t nobody got time for that

Okay, I was wrong, never heard that use of the word. To be fair is not the most common use of the word

That’s not what whitewashing means