
We must not be watching the same “Star Trek: Picard”.  I and my entire family has enjoyed every minute of this series since its first episode.

ANOTHER GOOD REASON why we should not be arming teachers in classrooms.  This happened to a cop, who goes through hours of training.  Put guns in the hands of Little Miss Kindergarten and other random people who have no experience with guns and you will see a LOT more of these friendly fire tragedies.

A guy named Richard Milhous Nixon would BEG to differ!!!

And the memo was sent after the Patriots got caught taping a SECOND TIME! The got busted in 2003 by the Jaguars, busted in 2005 by the Packers (they had to physically eject the Pats cameraman from the stadium since he got caught earlier in the game and yet continued to tape), and then busted in 2007 by the Jets, after

Nope. Going 66 in a 65 MPH zone has no discernable effect on reality.

No, it was never legal— from the vantagepoints where Patriots taping assistants have been caught MULTIPLE TIMES. The reason being that those locations give you a clear view of the opposing sidelines and can be used to gather intel of the sort that Bill Belichick and Ernie Adams were in the market for.

Some other interesting facts for the Patriots’ apologists....