em (fka oposszumimpresszum)

That is a horrible hacker group name.

They were on the list; but the entry, along with several people, have since disappeared.

does the NSA count?

LulzSec gets my vote for #1 purely because of their logo. It's like having etiquette after hacking and saying cheers mate, I hacked your s**t.

"Smoke on the Bamboo" and "Bamboo Star" are my favorite Deep Panda songs.

Let's hope Orson Scott Card doesn't find out about that anagram of ansible — it might break his heart to find out that Ender's victory is only possible due to lesbians.

I got 5:01.

This is silly because humans are pretty buoyant in salt water, they don't just start sinking. I could understand if the water was choppy with waves crashing over your head, but it's fairly calm. In a situation like this, you would die of exposure and dehydration or hypothermia after nightfall before you would die of

If you get left behind, you are dead for sure. The moment you lose your energy, you're going down, even if you try to float. The worst thing about falling off a sea is that people won't be able to see you. It's extremely hard to spot people at sea from a boat. That's why divers often have inflatable flags to mark

this would be an awesome game on the Oculus Rift

Welcome to Gizmodo's quest for the most clickable title. They've been doing this for the past couple of months and lying in a title seems to get them the most clicks.

No they didn't. It's a safety product being advertised via a depiction of the consequences of not having any protection at all. It's the same as car ads for features such as the first truly sophisticated anti-lock brakes in the late 80s and early 90s, which showed drivers narrowly avoiding crashes while their fellow

I have less of a problem with this marketing in comparison to the "buy into our cool lifestyle" bullshit that many companies, including A&F push so heavily. Either my priorities are fucked or I just appreciate the unconventional.

Yeah. It looked really pretty, but I didn't see any way in which the animation would help "reveal how the number Pi looks."

You're missing the point, he isnt wearing the swimwear. So it's "wear our stuff or you can die orrible, terrifying death that involved your lungs filling with water and your own desperate attempts to scrabble at the nothing of the uncaring sea— and look terrible at the same time."

They also sell, y'know, lifejackets. In fact, most of their stuff seems to be utility-ish gear.

Beautiful, and meaningless. It's the best of both worlds!

It's awesome because, for all their domestic spying, they've only ever caught one guy for making a wire transfer. They didn't catch the shoe bomber, the underwear bomber, the Boston bombers, or anybody else.

Apparently you haven't read up on the NSAs genetically modified lobster program.