How is this an article?
How is this an article?
Umm... ok?
The problem is this website though. Always giving a voice to small, uneducated opinions that most people ignore. Same-thing for popplio, and BvS. Small groups hated them but this site gave them voices.
This guy is lying. I hope Tesla kept a papertrail.
New title - “Dude Wastes Four Years.”
It’s on Jezebel, must be his fault.
Guess that makes him a rapist, right Lauren?
No, they’re better. Science does more for society than people who are geniuses at video games or sewing.
Interested in women’s medicine? Breast cancer research gets the most money even though it isn’t #1 in killing cancers AND men die from breast cancer.
Korra ruined this show for me. Much of the Asian influenced died, the addition of technology cheapened the show and the graphics were too cell shaded at times.
Everything isn’t about saving fucking money.
What is wrong with you? Shut the fuck up.
I am excited that Elon is in charge and not you.
YOU don’t have to see it.
Wow, who cares? This game is in no way harming women and girls. Little girls won’t be playing this and women, if they don’t like it, don’t have to.
She;s also a racist. You somehow forgot to mention that tidbit.
This is bullshit.
Typical. Victim white woman now gets an audience. Plenty of black lives matters posts on those sites too, nothing. No BlackLivesMatterGate because racist white men AND women want to “fact check” and state lies about what’s really going on. Racism in gaming boards and communities. BTW, you’re not a “survivor,” this…
It’s relevant to white people, happy to see that minorities were killed off by 2060.