
Bring back a reboot of California Games.
That was awesome. Footbag!!!!

From the tube comments “cumcast”
Describes them perfectly, bunch of wankers

omg, snowbow kids, that was actually a pretty decent game

a kid with a 370z
C’mon, he was gonna total it at some point unless he was DK.
I don’t understand how inexperienced or young lads full of hormones get to drive such powerful cars.
I was stuck with a car that barely did 80mph until I had enough experience and age to know when and when not to drive like a c**t.
Now I have a

I came here to say this. It’s basically The Crew on a ski resort. It’s good but it’s not great, personally I find the crew to be very entertaining just to drop in and drive about but it’s got it’s flaws.
I played Steep beta, just found it to be trying too hard. not enough fun, too spaced out, a lot of walking which in

I picked a vita up for £50 with two games, bought it mostly because of all the ps+ games I have ammased over 5 years. It’s pretty good. Great for flights/trains. I still use my psp for emulation on the move.

I did just over 140 a few days ago, legally, on open public Eurpean roads & not in Germany :)

No probs, just don’t take it’s recomendations as Gospel.

go to

Errr, is that Cross-over just a ford fusion (UK)?

First off, nice story. It’s good to see you had a great time.
Come back soon :)

Because speed bumps round the Algarve and some of the roads are f**king horrendous.
Except that drive up to the racetrack we saw on The Grand Tour, that road is terrific. One of the best I’ve ever been on

Made a roller coaster on Saturday, ride time was about 50 seconds, it was open for 11 years. Not one person went on it, even when it was free.
Too intense.
Made a shit coaster next to it, like really really shit, over in 10 seconds, had 14k visitors in 1 year.

5/7 would build again

RIP Jalopnik

I think you’ll find it’ll be Bushy’s, Okells or Hooded Ram (Bushy’s pale being a personal favorite)

As a Brit, WTF is a tipper lorry?
Dumper Truck maybe?

Guys here don’t go out unless it’s greater than 25mph wind speed

Personally, that mock up is hideous and I hope it’s not even close to the final product on offer.

They swapped engineers for this season iirc, all the shit Nico has had with the little issues is now Hamiltons to deal with

They are the Wurst ;)
Except I’m one. I drive like a 17 year old in the audi but cruise about in the bimmer.