
I’m still playing lots of GTA online and Borderlands Handsome collection. I haven’t finished Dragon Age, Far Cry 4, Wolfenstein and Metro Redux. All of those games I bought used or at least not new, but im picking up this game up Day 1 even though I know I won’t have time for it yet. Paying full price to show all the

1) It’s free


Unless a just as easy counter is available to characters then I would have to say the move is OP and deserves nerfing. Remember, no pay to win DLC developers. It's why I hold out on games now, they release unbalanced. Give it some time to get patched. If not then I guess we know Warner Bros true intentions.

But what about the side mission with that guy with the crazy alien trip coma inducing chronic when playing as Micheal? The mission ends with a scene on an alien ship at the end, no? I want to believe...

I’ve always struggled to get my parents to accept gaming but they’ve come a long way in recent years, mostly my mom. My Dad used to game with me years ago when I was a kid but not so much anymore. He’s been a cop for the past 8 years and he doesn’t have much time to just sit down and game, let alone learn the


Spot on!

There’s no reason that 8gbs of DDR3 can’t handle the multiple processes. Sure there’s harddrive space issues but you can upgrade it yourself or use USBs. No you can’t upgrade the graphics cards or processors but you can optimize it and that’s something I think is always forgotten. Consoles can be optimized better than

Lol it's not low powered. Especially with optimization.

Yeah I’d really love to put more life in a game I've been playing for over two years now. Cheers.

With ps4 being so similar to PCs I seriously wouldn't doubt if they held this feature back just to be something new and at least times exclusive to pc. I'm not holding my breathe but it's very possible imo.

I haven’t played or bought a new pc since the half life 2 and cs source days. I can guarantee my pos pentium 4 with 3 gbs ram and a 9600gt would blow up at the thought of playing Gta 5 in a worthwhile manner if at all.

That’s cool. I’m just tired of hearing pc players act like they should keep it exclusive just because pc master race. I get it you guys waited, But the bandwagon ignorance of next gen consoles is exactly that, ignorance. No developers going to spend the money it takes to make the perfect pc game like this. They had to

How does the fact you can’t play with other Xbox or PC players have anything to do with the ability to edit and upload pics? There’s sharefactory. I don’t get why anyone would want to pc game if this is what the communities like. Just a bunch of wankers jerking each other off over specs. I'll stick with enjoying games

Nah Id rather be cool and game with friends than be a loser sitting in his office alone with 3k worth of hot sweaty machinery.

Omg shut up. There's nothing fancy about this editor that makes it impossible. It's using already recorded gameplay. Sure a controller would be wonky but take the elitist asshat off and it can happen. Pc just had to get something besides fancy graphics though.

Yeah no. You make pc players sound like elitist asshats...oh wait.

Lmfao Id love to see Gta run a $400 setup. Ignorant bitch.

Lol why would I drop 2k on a pc to play with basement troll douche such as yourself? I’ll stick with my plug in and play system and game with my friends thanks.