
Meh, I don’t see the big deal here. The kids are not named as primary beneficiaries in the will; that doesn’t mean they weren’t provided for outside of probate via gifts or a trust. And it’s pretty normal for a decedent to leave everything to his surviving spouse. His wife may even have a will herself that provides

And tv ratings for the reality show.

Ok, I see. Cheers then. I guess asserting an argument laden with blatant hypocrisy should be enough to signal that you’re joking - but these days you never can tell.

But isn’t that the same argument used to expect everyone to stand for the anthem - that you’re part of a country, and if you don’t act in a certain way, you’re disrespecting your country / not showing unity / being “divisive?” I don’t begrudge any players for standing, kneeling, or staying in the locker room. The

Shouldn’t the legislative branch step in at this point to clarify the boundaries of this order, since apparently, Trump is not going to do that? If congress thinks it is sound and constitutional, then confirm it by legislation, or confirm those parts that are constitutional. Part of my problem with this EO is that it