Seeing the first trailer I didn't love the new look but after seeing these stills I think he looks amazing. People will get used to it. Gonna be a beautiful game.
Seeing the first trailer I didn't love the new look but after seeing these stills I think he looks amazing. People will get used to it. Gonna be a beautiful game.
Just because a game has elements in it like cover based shooting doesn't mean that's its main goal so I'm not sure why you're comparing it to games like gears... It's like saying your apple doesn't taste enough like a banana. It's a blockbuster movie that you can play. It's indiana jones. And it looks as though the…
Well I guess if uncharted was trying to be a cover based shooter that would matter. But it's not. It's an action adventure game. People don't play uncharted for cover based shooting, if that's what you need in your game there are plenty of other options for you.
I would like to see some assassins garb that fits more with the place and time. And come on with the haystacks already... Make it garbage or newspapers or anything but hay. A year off wouldn't hurt, I try to keep up but its too hard when there is so many other things out especially in this timeframe.
give me my uncharteds!!!
Who cares why? I just assumed it was some reincarnate shit like Talion. But having the same dude pop up all burnt to a crisp because I threw his ass into a fire is hilarious! I love it.
Parity is bullshit. If the Ps4 is more powerful, holding it back isn't gonna change that. It's just going to make people hate you Ubi. There's a reason I didn't buy a Xbox this generation. So let's not screw with the system that was concerned with the games from the start, max that shit out.
I can't help but feeling that if Nintendo would have updated the GameCube controller the way Sony updated their dual shock this generation(basically the same but with some minor improvements in every area) that I'd would play my Wii U more. I hate the gamepad and the UI. All I wanted was HD Nintendo games with a basic…
it does still spawn enemies and you can still farm just not as effectively. I still managed to get a legendary engram to drop yesterday while I was working on a bounty there.
I have to say I am not a multiplayer guy... mostly because of all the crap that comes from chat. It was a pleasant surprise when I did my first control missions yesterday and getting my ass kicked pretty good that I wasn't getting heckled for it.
troll hunter was better if that's what you're into
but it's not in Los Angeles...
So you get to see if you would be a "smart" horror movie victim? I'm in... Now instead of saying, "don't go in there you idiot" you can make the choice for yourself! Sounds awesome.
Yep. But it's fun none the less. It is too long though. If you are expecting anything other then ok humor, big explosions and hot girls then your setting yourself up for disappointment.
You know the coolest thing about this is that Disney is willing to help him get his property back in a way... Grim is to Tim what Oswald was to Walt.
Can't help but feel like this will make its way to PS4 at some point.
just got through playing 50,100 and 150cc with my buddy in multiplayer. This Mario Kart feels inferior to the others. I'm a little sick of the redone tracks from all the old games and the unlockable characters were mostly boring and too easily gotten. The new tracks are ok but it feels like it missing something.…
I can see where people would get some air. I remember going down summit plummet at disney when I was like 12 and my legs came uncrossed and my body lifted away from the slide on the way down. That was a terrifying moment.
Here's my story... Sony is annoyingly making me keep my ps3 around and I'm not sure why. I love my ps4, but I literally can't use it a effortlessly as my ps3 yet. 1. Give me all the same apps please. 2. GIVE ME A BLURAY REMOTE... I can't go turn on my dual shock 4 with its stupid ass light every time it want to rewind…
well as soon as I can get it for like $15-$20 on PSN I'm all over it.