
I don't see what the point of this is... I don't really see what is so bad about it either. Try this with most racing games or especially snowboarding games and there's a good chance you'll have the same result. And I'm sure it is what EA had in mind... You want people to have fun with your demo not get pissed off

Nope... KZ2 was the only multiplayer I've ever really gotten into

Gotta love the bottle of lotion next to the bed...

Used to sleep over my uncles house, plug it in and lay in bed and play streets of rage and ren and stimpy all night... Loved my game gear.

My code was apparently "already used" done with that contest. Hope Sony sticks with subway from now on.

I waited for a while... Then impulse bought ME2 on ps3 like two months back cause it was like $20 at best buy

Think my experience was much the same. Liked ME2 much better though. Think it was the combat in 1 that really kinda killed it for me.

Then why don't you just rent? Seems silly.

You mean the worst Mass Effect... Hehe it even rhymes!

So because I owned Mario 64 back in the day I should have gotten it free on the virtual console right?

No. The problem is you think that it's mandatory for a system to be backward compatible with any and everything. If Sony used UMD again just so people could have backwards compatibility would that have been a good thing? Hell no. Just play your games on your psp. Nintendo doesn't let you play your original copy of

I went straight warrior with a little magic... Felt like it took 8 hours!

Just wait for it to go on sale on the PSN... Problem solved. As soon as the pspgo was announced I started buying all digital for this very reason. Now I don't have the problem of having umds laying around.

As far as the dwarven ruins go... Way too far.

good lookin out... didnt really get the genie or pac man ones but makes total sense now lol

well you can get both separately on ps3 for about $10 new sooo im not seeing the problem.

sorry... i just cant give them a pass for this. build a system that your proud of... if you need to add things for a "better" controlling experience then that game obviously isnt perfect for that particular system. get away from these games that are really best suited for two sticks and concentrate on interesting

Ok I may have to pledge to get this thing on ipad


Ugh... It's a great game but I don't know if I'd go game of the year. I definitely had lag which was not game ending but around 65 hours in I'm a little board now. Might just finish the main quest and put it away.