Obviously it should be called the "WiiDS"
Obviously it should be called the "WiiDS"
If I could have had this functionality to play some random skyrim quests today that would have made my life wonderful...
I think he might be right... Got a 3DS for Christmas and I love all the first party stuff. I think the vita will give me a little more diversity though which I'm excited about.
Wow take it a little bit more literal next time... Not sure you went far enough.
Kinect... Fucking up ancient parenting traditions since 2010 ;)
I don't need to be black or gay or fat or redheaded to know that words can effect a person emotionally. That's all I need to know. It becomes a protective stance, not me thinking I know what it's like to be black or gay. My friends are all very close friends though so I have witnessed first hand how they react to…
Your trying to turn it into something more then it needs to be. People obviously have the right to say anything they want. It's your job to know what words are coming out of your mouth though. If you say "faggot" and it bothers someone they have the right to take offense to it just like you have the right to say it.…
Anyone who tries to justify the use of slurs in any way shape or form has their own issues. You can't define what something means on your own terms. The use of "faggot" or "nigger" have underlying hate that goes back decades. If you mean something else when you use these words then you should use a different set of…
let me get you a ladder, you look like your stuck on that pedestal...
The creators went around and got permission, at least that's what I heard about six months ago. So it should be fine.
This just seems like further evidence that this game is going to have control issues.
Umm, not trying to be funny. They make money off of Xbox live. This is actually something that would make sense for them to spend money on because unlike Netflix or Hulu it adds actual value.
Well people pay for Xbox live, it's not like they don't have money to throw around.
Somebody tell Woody Harrelson ASAP!
I wouldn't mind if the ps4 is a ways off but honestly it's not like they are going to say "oh yeah, we are definitely showing our next console this year"
Guess I'll just wait to open it until it's released then
I probably won't buy it either way so just release it...
for an HD collection its actually not bad at all, especially the ps3 version.
they can wait another year...
The redskins use the logo of a native American... Chiefs use an arrowhead.