
you couldnt find either system in 2006 but i do remember the hype for the ps3 being much crazier... people were turning their nose up at the wii for a bit until everyone realized it was gonna actually be cool. i bought one strictly for the virtual console... didnt buy a playstation 3 until later when it dropped to

just heard something on a podcast about Microsoft having policies against certain dlc being free or something... apparently if they think it has value, the lowest they will let you put it on the marketplace for is $1. so the pricing is probably Microsoft's doing.

then get it for your playstation. problem solved.

Never felt this until I played Rage a few weeks back. Haven't turned it on since.

Yeah because there is no public wifi anywhere right?

While I love that we aren't destroying forests and all, there was something about being able to take a manual with you back in the day to look over when you were somewhere that you couldn't play your game.

Finally... Thought this was cancelled for the longest time.

On iTunes for $7.99...

Well you can bet that it's actually going to have a story that's worth paying attention to... Thats enough to separate it alone. Plus from the description it sounds like you'll be up against other survivors too which should add a nice dimension.

Glad it doesn't look like a "zombie" zombie game... These things are definitely something else. I trust naughty dog.

Looks like I am legend which in my book is a great thing... So ready for this story.

Your surely creative enough to leave racial slurs out of your rants

Dead nation

So in other words it's going to consume my life? Yeah I'm ok with that.

Price? Looks beautiful

Honestly I don't see the problem. I haven't been addicted to a sports game since NFL2K5 until I picked up madden this year on black friday. I don't know what it is but I get an itch to play almost everyday now. It surely isn't the only thing I play but I do have one friend that I know it's the only thing he plays.

combo pack are generally bluray, DVD, and digital copy... Sometimes even a 3d copy. That's a whole family worth of media to split up between friends and siblings, but I don't think that's the inticing part of the buy. It's the "watch anywhere" and the security of backing up and in the case of 3D movies future

they already do it with movies so i dont really agree with you... sorry

Well the smart thing to do would be to include digital copies of the games with the physical copies that way when the PSVitaGo comes out nobody will bitch about what they are supposed to do with all of their "UMDs"

Hate when this happens with digital copies too...