Talk about missing the boat
Talk about missing the boat
Still wish they would bring the white one over
It was made around cool new sequences... They talk about it in the bonus featurettes on the disc
You know your free to make up your own mind right?
I understand that everything will help developers do more but it's a harder sell to consumers, at least I think so. I can't imagine games looking insanely better. But I hope I'm wrong.
The wii was about accessibility, it was a "remote control" that even old people could pick up and play because it was simple... The WiiU? Nintendo doesn't even know what they want to do with it yet, that doesn't instill a ton of confidence. its not even a multitouch screen so the way people may try to interact with it…
It's only because for the first time we probably aren't going to see that insane graphical leap like every generation so far. Games look amazing already. So what would there really be to get excited about? Tech specs... I can wait for something that's just "more"
Why would they possibly be worried about the wii u? It's gonna bomb hard.
It would be great if they could slow down and maybe wait an extra year before the next one so I could catch up... Still finishing 2. Too many good games each year to make this series a priority. Although I may buy on black Friday. It can join brotherhood in my unplaced stack with darksiders.
Still gonna pick it up on black friday... It's kind of a tradition at this point. Every year a new need for speed to play and leftovers to eat!
Trying to get through Uncharted 3 on crushing... Love it
Very smart
None... Don't really know what you'd call me. I use games as relaxation and enjoy co-op more then anything.
Give me this and uncharted at launch and I'll be very happy
You aren't comprehending... GameCube was my main console. They need to catchup now. And they are going to need to catchup again because the wiiu is no giant leap forward, it is simply going to be on par with current systems. In other words they are a console behind.
It did
I started feeling hate for Nintendo because they went from my "main" gaming console in past generations to an accessory that only plays Mario titles... because the wii simply can not handle games that are standard experiences on the 360 and ps3.
Thats the only thing I loathe about having an iPhone.
The last thing I need on my phone is another icon that apple doesnt let me delete or hide... Hitting categories is enough for me to separate the games and every other app on the store.