
What sold the episode for me was Linda getting the link to the taped performance of the show and saying "I don't wanna watch it, I already know I like your version better" of course Linda knew what was going on the whole time but it was her family doing whatever they could to make her happy and they were together so

Jason O'Mara deserves better… I mean he has Paige Turco so his life can't be all bad, but i would love to see him get a show or part that actually sticks around. That was what I felt was the biggest misstep of the episode, Simmons didn't even treat Mace like he was a real person who was inserted into the Framework and

Why do Jabberjaw and Scooby-Doo get the added Mr. before their names… Is it to legitimize them being there?

I think the MVP of this episode was Joe, his frustration at Manny not wanting to watch the cartoon with him and then asking thousands of questions was spot on and impressive from such a young actor

I was upset he wasn't using it in Stand By Gene

I'm always happy to find I'm not the only one who misses Reagan.

If they cancel the show we just need to send FX tens of thousands of condoms to let them know we want to be exclusive with You're The Worst. That or we send peanuts, an old favorite that will indicate how much we want more breakfast nachos a la Jimmy and Gretchen

Man… Married is terrible. Shame because I like everybody involved

Shame… I hated Andrea Martin and Azura Skye's characters but I liked what Kacey Rohl and Benjamin Arthur were putting down. It was also nice to have a show that had the Barenaked Ladies doing the theme song, that was on Thursday Night, but wasn't "The Big Bang Theory."

I always wondered if just handing the spell to Goliath would break it. Since the verbiage is whoever holds the spell is in control. Rewatching it, I even thought that was the solution. That seems like a much better lesson about literal interpretation, than the living hell that is knowing you are under a spell and

The subtle character development present in these early spotlight episodes is amazing. Lexington saying that he'll never trust anyone ever again comes back in a big way when we see how far he's fallen in the late season 2 episode "Future Tense." Even before that episode shows the imrtance trust in others on an

I've a bit of an issue with the Steel Clan robots. Why couldn't they just be built before the Gargoyles were found. There is no mention of wanting to frame the Gargoyles with them or anything like that. I understand that Xanatos needed the information from Cyberbiotics in order to bring the machines online, but why

No love for my favorite line of dialogue ever spoken on a kid's show?!?
When Xanatos says to Owen "Pay a man enough, and he'll walk barefoot into hell" is just such a great representation of that character and of what the audience can expect with this new show.
I'm also glad that you called out the TMNT feel of the