
As if... I'm going to haunt the hell out of Ryan Gosling shower.

I have, in the past, especially after some very serious sh*t that happened after a jaunt up into the Sierra Nevada, and a good friend told me what to do. (I will not ever, ever be going back there. I still keep the fan that she gave me over my bed, and I live in sage country now, although I didn't at the time.)

It's considered extraordinarily rude. As rude as spitting on your mother-in-law or farting in church. My tribe sees it as an extremely U.S. Cavalry-esque thing to do...something that never existed before the settling of the west. In our religion, we are all related, all part of an enormous universal community, and the

My hand to God, that was seriously my reaction when it first happened...after the rush of terror had subsided, that is. "You're really going to use Tom Petty against me, you ghostly bastard? Really?!" My anger made it easier to ignore the weird shit for a few more days.

These are so scary, but what i can't get over is using Tom Petty for nefarious means. not cool, malicious-ghost-dude. NOT COOL!

Thanks! I'm really tempted to. It's oddly cathartic to share these things. Childhood ghost trauma!

Full hand gestures, and the much-joked about lip/chin pointing. Annnything but pointing. It's considered as rude as spitting on someone.

You win. These are my favorite stories so far. More, please!

Just posted one!

Um, *looks around, takes hand count* yeah, we wanna know about the other stuff you've seen.