
Ooooo. I lived in east Texas for one year. I feel ya!

If you don’t take lunch, when do you drink your cocktails?

As Liz Lemon says, the word “lovers” is always a bummer unless it’s between “meat” and “pizza.”

Hell, I wish I had a friend like her now. I’m open to it.

Samesies....I grew up in west Texas.....

I do say that I have “taken a lover” every once in awhile. But like in a total smart ass way.

Her tweet made me roll my eyes so hard that I briefly passed out.

I will cosign and add that I also hate when people refer to two people who are seeing each other and presumably fucking as “lovers.” When people say “made love” and “lovers” this is how it sounds every time:

The term “made love” makes me want to puke so hard. Such a lame euphemism.

your avatar name has never been so apt

So, so much. I edited. :)

Armand is much handsomer.

I wish he didn’t remind me, however slightly, of Armand Assante.

Hell no.

Now playing

A popular bumpersticker here for a while read “WE DON’T CARE HOW YOU DO IT IN NEW YORK”. And there are quite a few areas that have pulled a large portion of transplants so we have: “Manhattan Bagels”, “Original Brooklyn Bagels”, “Brooklyn Pizza”, “Matteo’s of Long Island” and “New York Prime Steakhouse” ( and what a

Channing Tatum is a thumb with a hot body and good personality. This dude is an oil slick with the personality of an exxon executive.

And it kills me every single time. It makes me want to die. That this aesthetic is what some people desire. Bring on Armageddon, we fucking deserve it for this shit.

It looks sort of like they were poorly photoshopped into Monte Carlo.

You think Mexico wants it back now? They’re going to like “You fuckers, we have enough of our problems, don’t be giving us yours. And tell that orange orangutan to go fuck himself.”

I now live in this god-forsaken shithole, but *I endorse this message*. These people are the most delusional, racist fuckers I’ve ever had the misfortune to know.