
and he’s watching Dallas!!!

thank you I wondered when someone was going to fill that in.

I was in a meeting with a guy kind of like that once - one of those PhDs with no concept of the world around them. He had big staring blue eyes and was always dressed a little strangely, but he was a big-ish wig. Anyway there were maybe 15 of us in this room that only had 10 seats at the table, so he was standing

House of Guys, ha ha

:) Aw! Well, your name reminds me of two of the main themes of my apartment and I love it! Mr. Foxy and I love us some pinups, almost as much as we love our 2 groovy cats.

That pup’s name isn’t Yoshi is it? I feel like I know him from dogsitting, myself! Soooooo cute

This isn’t as good, but I was waiting in a ferry terminal with my mom and her boyfriend once, we were all bleary-eyed and hung over sitting on these benches at like 8 a.m. This guy on the bench across from us lets out this huge belch and we all look up and are like gross, whatever, then he lifts his cheek and rips a

Perfect! “Now that’s bleak!” I hate Denny’s so, so, so much. It’s literally (literally, literally) the only place I refuse to set foot in. Here are my last four visits to Denny’s, over the course of the 1990s. The first two aren’t really about food, they’re more about one of Pinkham’s forbidden topics, but they set

Thanks girl! But I almost did cry with annoyance when the little shit 20-something new instructor/sub kept making remarks about how the 4 of us women that were there would probably have to take it really super easy with his workout, which was ok, because he didn’t want to have to call the ambulance on us, ho ho ho! We

The SAME thing happened to me at my first wedding. My fucking hair was 2 feet tall and looked like it belonged on Kate Pierson and was NOT what I wanted. I was self-medicated enough that I didn’t really care, but when I looked at the pics afterwards I was mortified. I say this in all honesty, my first wedding day was

Oh my god I was trying not to let my husband sitting next to me see any tears but then the end made me smile and helped me suck the tears back into my eyesockets. When randilyn tells a story, it has everything! Now I’m on my way to the gym and I’ll be thinking about this. :) (If I cry there for some weird reason I’ll

Me too!! At games. And I’m so not a flag-waver or the opposite, but I’m like damn, America is awesome right this second.

Children’s books, especially mine.

I say that about myself all the time!! That exact quote. especially since I quit drinking I can be a raw nerve. Every day I have at least one ugly cry, I squeeze one out before I leave the house just in case.

Starred for Mr. Adorable there! And I don’t get her either.

I hope none of the people who have that phobia of patterns are reading this!

It IW something! Thanks for letting me know. At the moment I’m not around a lot of people irl who read/listen to/watch the same kind of thngs I like, so any intel I get here is great. :)

Hooray! :-*

Strength to you. You are doing great things and I hope you always find support and pick-me-ups here, I know I do! Sleep and rest and love yourself and everyone precious to you.

I don’t know! It fascinated me. I didn’t think it hurt, like shots did, and I thought it was cool looking. Maybe it was a predecessor to tattoos?