
I love this so much. I would be so bad at that, I would spend all day telling myself “not going to mention spiders not going to mention spiders” and then the minute my husband walked in the door I know I would yell “I killed SIXTEEN SPIDERS today!” I live in a spidery area of the country, but thankfully they either

UUUUGH I KNOW and when they finally do go away they’re all “I hope you’ll be OK” and you just shake your head in disbelief

It goes on forever! And eventually on one, someone has scrawled “Gams” and “More gams” in Paint or whatever, with arrows pointing to his legs. Yep those are some gams alright!

Was it about that tiny bottle of moisturizer at the bottom of the frame? :-D

I’ve posted this here before but I am grey... but my ex used to work at a restaurant where they tricked a waitress into saying that the dessert special that day was cocodeeznuts pie.

That’s all true! And beautiful to imagine.

I would add that you might want to stress the aspect of it being representative of your work, not necessarily how pretty the subject looked that day. Of course you want both, but like a bride might love how she looks in a shot that’s not as well put-together as it should be, and not understand why you don’t like it.

I am going to take this opportunity to say that this gif reminds me that a toxic relationship I was in is over as of this week. It was more or less a mutual end but it was ugly, but once I read the last text and deleted the number and all the messages and it was done-done I jumped up in the air with my arms out and my

my long lovely lads

I am loving your posts today! They ask the dad if he just plans to stay mad at them forever and he deadpans, “That is my plan.”

SO SAME. I can’t even wrap my head around Airbnb. Regular ones are nightmarish enough.

YES, this in my personal life is a much more important issue than honorifics. I have one of those given names that can be altered a few ways, and many people with my name will tell you that they have a strong preference for one or another or none (going by the full name). Most of the people I know would rather be

I actually love addressing people as “citizen.” It reminds me of the Batman show from the 1960s. It probably makes me sound stupid or pretentious AF and I should probably stop.

Yeah, nobody means anything by it. If someone calls you ma’am to be mean to you they probably have other issues that you need to worry about.

Me too... and my friends’ parents... I don’t mind having that separation from them. To a person, I would not know them or hang out with them if it weren’t for their kid.

Are you really a Ginger? I am and Uma Thurman complimented my hair in high school. Sometimes it’s ok being the red headed stepchild!

Hey you guys both sound like me! I just stopped 6 months ago, after decades of drinking, lots of fun, lots of not fun, 2 DWIs, and finally 5 days of detox in the ICU. The highest BAC I ever had recorded was my first arrest, .33, which impressed my cellmates but frostmycookies kicked my ass!

Ha... I didn’t know about it until a potential client told me about it! As far as I know, my clients realize that a DWI doesn’t reflect on my ability to clean a house. No burglaries, home invasions, etc. :)

You guys are making me feel so much better. My wonderful, sainted husband is very thin and so very angular and pointy. And I can’t stand feeling anyone breathing on me. I hide behind a brace of pillows that takes up half of my half of the bed, just to make sure I don’t get snorted on or elbowed in the face.

There’s one that does that with mug shots too. :( If you google my full name, my actual mug comes up. I forget how much it is to remove it because I just don’t want to “find” it again. It is the ONE time I’ve been glad I’ve been called by my middle name since birth, since not everyone knows my first one and the people