
Over on Reddit it was explained that this is merely the straw that broke the camel’s back. The latest budget gave tax breaks to high earners and corporations while the burden was increasing on people who rely on salaries, and wages are stagnating with multiple people reporting working with the same company for decades

Next they need to add some secret track shortcuts and takedown bonuses.

This. So much this.

Seriously, that “childishness” is the reason Mazda has so many fans to begin with. A little frog-looking roadster that’s way faster and more fun than it ought to be, a sports car powered by a dorito, a turbo hatchback with a giant grin and a hood scoop.....

that website makes my blood boil. 

Have you been over to The Root? They vehemently hate cops to the point of fabricating bullshit around cases involved black criminals.

Agreed.  Also, very helpful to hold your firearm sideways like you saw in the movies.

Your guess is as good as mine...

I’m so with you. I’m 36 and I drive a 1955 Cadillac. My wife needs something new in the next few years and even though I’m an enthusiast I can’t help her because I’m not enthused about any of the cars you can buy these days. They’re all just so...blech.

Honestly, after some 45 years of being a car enthusiast, I am just about ready to give up. Between crossover mania, the death of the manual transmission, self driving vehicles, manufacturers that make all of their cars look exactly the same but just in different sizes (I’m looking at you Audi and Mercedes), interiors


Though I think the design of the car would work quite fine on a 4dr, if they aren’t going to at least continue to offer the 2dr as an option, just kill it.

-opens new browser window


Ugh, just last week I was thinking about how I consider the 6 to probably be the ugliest BMW of the millennium...and that’s coming from someone who drives a 135i, which is no prom queen. 

The i3 is horrifically ugly. It was designed with the ridiculous notion that electric cars have to look like nerd mobiles instead of cars. Tesla’s Model S proved that electric cars can look like regular cars and that attractive cars sell better than ugly cars. 

Why do you post this one of the few times they get it right?

You’re either taking the piss or blind.

Spoken like a true art student. :)