
Well, I do hope you get noticed, because even if mimicking out of fun the Kotaku editing style (with banner and everything) . your writing and informative bits is what really shines here. very constructive and built. something I lack on, I'm just good (?) at making music . so my opinion is not as big as everybody

too overly sexualized!!!!

freaking amazing post! lol

<3 ! hello U!

I wonder what engine they are using to make this game. most cryengine games have the weapon customizing mechanic.

and I thought JG Ballards Crash directed by Cronenberg was weird...

what? WHAT!?!?

thanks. lol

death parade?

but, you have to...

Damn, Sony. <3

darude - sandstorm

Dear SageofMusic,

I’m playing the ones displayed on the image below.

Has any commented on Tumblr’s ExecutiveSuite Productivity Edition 2016?

Yannick, I think it’s a good time to spice things up. with independent soundcloud producers sampling great games and animations. here are some of my suggestions.

I love April Fools Day

you’re missing out. the rebuild is amazing especially how 2.0 ended.

Now playing

they should just hire p diddy on the soundtrack “come with me again”.

I hope he doesn’t go crazy adding existential philosophy on godzilla.