Another Unnecessary Comment
Another Unnecessary Comment
the game seems great, and the hype too. I will wait to see how it turns out after release by watching gameplay vids to decide whether if i should download or not.
no... just no...
This seems great!
My favorite Chrono Trigger memory would be Chrono Trigger...
this would have been awesome. if they didn't sell the franchise and went multiplat. </3
no surprise here. saying it would have been released this year is/was pretty much just a strategy to create hype. we all saw it in the first gameplay with it's endless fall - which people believe it was a glitch. it was clear- the game was in early stages.
this whole article is annoying.
GTA Vice City story is my favorite. even though there are high similarities to Scarface (Brian De Palma directed film)... well, I like Scarface. lol
Well, the rape song was very inappropriate for it's time. he made a "I'm sorry" video for his mistake. but once again, his fans are so used to this low level humor that it got out of control and trolls make it even worse for him. that's all. I mean he's a grown man he should know better.
hahaaha. thanks for sharing , Luke!
why investigate?
actually. the film is well done. is by far the darkest and most depressing film ever made in existence.
lol that movie is so bad. it can't be taken seriously.
He doesn't have to tailor his humor, you're right. but he could make videos age restricted. I know people can get around to that by lying about their age on profiles etc... but at least that would be more considerable and respected. most of the channels I watch from certain youtuber's have it on some of their videos.
mostly gaming.
I guess you're a fan of pewdiepie. I don't understand why you want to convince me or something?