
Well the Greatest Day was explained this episode, it's a lie and not true.

"MEANWHILE, at the Legion of Doom"

Chelsey Reist plays Harper, and according to the interwebs she is 30, a good deal of the "teens" are in their mid 20s and older for the most part.

I mean the mayor is not confirmed to have been killed yet, to Star City that is progress.

So Earth 2 Mick.

The only thing that was missing was a talk about what he was going to do "when this is all over" or about how it's his last day before retirement, or that he wants to get an RV and see Montana to fully foreshadow his demise.

I like when people point out "you know it is for a TV show right?" instead of admitting their error in thinking, they are just doubling down on their original loony tunes take.

Then shake your caboose

All I want to know is how funky is your chicken, and how loose is your goose?

The "Barry Allen Playbook" I like to call it.

At this point you would figure Star City would just be content to have a mayor who is not dead yet.
Who cares about what cover-ups that he may or may not be involved in, they have actually had the same mayor for most of a season now, that is a record.

Well TBH a good deal of the goings on in all the Earth 1 shows make one think "why are costumed vigilantes/heroes seemingly our 1st line of defense against nuclear Armageddon/ giant gorillas/ ect?"

When Octavia 1st fell off the cliff and it was assumed she was dead I said "until I see a dead body I will just be assuming she lived thru that".

I mean at this point it would seem to me the likelihood that LA is even allowed to be in once piece come 2 years 3 months and whatever from now and not just zapped from existence by the aliens seems slim to none. They were on thin ice from the abduction, and now a whole ship gets blown up.

I would do a better job at hiding and keeping track of my super secret list of who gets to live, but that's just me.

Pretty sure I have mild level carpel in my thumb from playing so much Enduro as a kid.

Granted, as someone said in comments here for a previous episode (I can't recall who I am sorry comment going uncredited!) but Melissa Benoist could have chemistry with a toaster.

But they do get some points for it was Who's The Boss?

5 years, hell I think we are closer to it being around 3ish years, maybe even less.
But yea, that was one thing that kept bothering me all episode "It's like he ran into those kids from the plane crash in Thunderdome"

I mean this episode had me at "lets fight by this semi trailer straight out of Smokey and the Bandit"