
They seem to really want to keep track of the artwork….so maybe intergalactic art snobs?

How fast Will's new "partner" tut tuts away the "This is not really Bousard's sort of thing" thought made me instantly think "These are false flag ops"

As soon as the "Echo is going to go to Arkadia" idea was floated, I groaned.
Just because you know where this is going, and can almost mentally picture the dialog even that will go down from it all.

I mean at least this new one is not related to the other two.
That seems to be a step in the right direction at least.

I like how Felicity has all but assumed that at some point in time Oliver will bang New Black Canary.

One of their issues too was that at 1st, bump-and-run coverage was allowed, forgetting that the whole reason the NFL went to the 5-yard chuck rule was due to DBs in the 70s just beating the crap out of recievers so they could not run their routes, but as long as the ball was not in the air, it was OK. Thus the Mel

I thought underneath she was one, like Diana on the 80s show 'V'

I mentioned it before, but that elevator scene was gold and very Blues Brothers.

I could watch scenes of them waiting in an elevator and be content with just that.
It had a very Blues Brothers feel to it that scene.

Lew Ashby is much more of a dick in this timeline…I mean not by much….

And probably does about as good of a job in not letting them escape with regularity as Arkham does.


"More masked killers on the loose, but first, could your children be on fire? Eye Team Seven investigates at 11!"

Who's the Schneider on this?

I mean Arrow has lost like what, 5-6 mayors?
And people still go about life fairly normally there too.

Actually in many states it is 16.

Although it is not in the top 10, Coors Original aka Banquet Beer is not too bad for being a domestic mega-brew. Granted, it is difficult to find if you are out at a bar, so I tend to more view it as my "I have people coming over, they are not beer aficionados just drinkers, I don't want to be poor" choice when at

The whole scene with him roughing up the alien in the alley for being behind with his bookie amused me to no end lol.

Outnumbered maybe, but I mean the Governor had a tank for crap sake.

I keep seeing the commercials for it.