
Parachute arrow!

Are robots fluent in authentic frontier gibberish?

For the number of times one of them said "sent to military prison for a crime he did not commit" there really needed to be some sort of A-Team joke.

Something I learned last night, aliens love them some Dolly Parton.

IDK, for having a boyfriend, she sure does spend most of the time "Eye Effing" Oliver.

I am ashamed to say I can go thru most of a bag of their buffalo wing chips in one sitting if I don't watch it.

President's Choice "All Dressed" is my go-to flavor personally.

Things I learned from this, they no longer offer a Nerds Blizzard.

I think she was tracking them going back and forth, since it seemed she thought when the last tally was turned into an X it was safe to try to wander out.

I was busy trying to sort out how THAT many people ended up dead while inside their room and behind locked hotel doors.

The wife and I often debate which of Einstein's discoveries were more important, 4/4 time or how to put bubbles in beer. It really is a toss-up.

You didn't go to college in Central Pennsylvania by chance did you? lol

We had that too, which ended up being "works in about 1/2 the dorms on a good day, but mostly just going to be heard thru the speakers in the student union". Then they went with the "it can be the background music to the housing and food service info channel on cable" brain fart.

I was in college majoring in Broadcasting from 1995-1999.
While in school the thought went from "Everyone will be doing everything, cable over phone, phone over cable jobs galore!" to "Everything is going to merge"

Secretary of the Interior: Rhoda

You do notice that this is on the CW right…..

The whole "guy informs Travis he does not speak english, Travis immediately follows up with a sentence in English, without any attempt at Spanish" sequence just really irked me.

You left out Alicia and her vital role to the episode, waving sadly to Strand as he exited the compound.

Old Man Jenkins said the same thing when that mask was taken off and everyone learned he was the monster.

Jasper really likes his ice cream.