
It's like they base how relationships should work on letters to Dear Prudence or something.

I mean hell, they could have also gotten their hacking research from The 100 too over the past few weeks.

Specially since Diggle mentioned Mt. Weather, and then Oliver bring up "His Ark" in the next sentence. It drove me to Wikipedia to check on it's real-ness.

It was also mentioned in news reports of a TWA flight that crashed into the actual mountain in the mid 1970s too.

"he might stab you in your sleep"
"He won't rescue you from a bite"
"He will flirt with Alicia and that's just wrong"
"Psycho Chris, Psycho Chris"

He is crazy in that he can't decide if he wants to bang or stab his step-sister.

Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then.

Or, you know, death by snu snu.

"I really want Jasper to die" has more or less been my thought's for the whole season.

I kept waiting for a "something they aren't telling the others went down before being discovered" plot to develop since she and Pike kept giving each other the "we got crap to hide" side-eye. But seems as if that might not be going anywhere.

It's the CW school of "What's this character's motivation this week" which seems to be not all that worried about things like "previous plot"

Clarke can't be letting Felicty be the blonde with the highest kill-count on the CW after all.

I mean talking about "what you are going to do after the war" is the equivalent to a cop saying "one more day until retirement" in movies/tv.

I just read also that it is a go for Supergirl moving to the CW for season 2 as well.

Re 1: Are you telling me "Spies Like Us" was not 100% accurate?!?!?!?!?!

I enjoy the fact that I was not the only one thinking of this at the very minute I was typing it out.

So wait…are you saying if I say run off a cliff, I won't hang there in mid air and be OK as long as I don't look down?

I just would figure Daria's gap was due to a combination of horrible posture and ill fitting clothing. But hey, just me.

However Dhark's terror dome ark does has the feel to it that in 97 years it would be basically Mt Weather. Just with more magic. And more brain-washing.

"We need to get to the 'Big Belly Burger Ark' to ride out the attack!