
Well, seems Felicity already has a handle on the "attractive 20 something, committing mass murder" thing after this week.

Dunno, but if the bombs did fall, totally would support Thea as Commander.

Also, is there some clause tfhat contractually in CW shows if you have some sort of place where people ride out and survive a nuclear holocaust it MUST be called The Ark? Since I am 95% sure that is what they were calling their domed underground city on Arrow tonight.

I mean I could understand if FTWD was say set in Florida.

Junkie son, useless dad, useful dad, mom, Latina girl, useless son, that girl from The 100, Strand. There, that is how I know the characters.

Or just shoved a knife thru his brain and then go with "Weekend at Bernie's" style marionette action.

I basically watch for Strand and Daniel.
They should have Daniel's daughter get kidnapped and make this show into "Latino Taken in the Zombie Apocalypse" since it would seem Daniel has "a specific set of skills"

When we 1st got HBO we had cable, but not a cable box (Our cable system was one of the old-school A/B switch setups with 13 channels on A and 13 on B).

Don't forget the plot twist of the "eh, been a few episodes we need a plot twist" that then typically involves some character acting out of character to how they had been written/acting for the past half season+ (And usually in some way that makes 1/2 the plot they have been involved in make literally no sense)

I did not get the Smithsonian Channel back then ;-)

I am still holding out hope for Are You Being Served, the Movie.

It's like someone should have sat them down to watch those aviation crash shows on the Smithsonian Channel and had them take notes.

For being so concerned about Rip's goings on affecting the time line the Time Lord's musscle sure do like to wage a scorched earth policy against the timeline.

Because when I am trying to lay low and hide from someone, I always make sure to leave every damn light that my boat has on all night long.

Sooo then she and LoT Sarah would be "sisters of a different but kinda the same it's really complicated to explain, father"

"Elizabeth I'm coming! It's the big one!"

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

He needs to remind Merlyn that there's always money in the Banana Stand.

"I order the club sandwich all the time, but I'm not even a member, man.
I don't know how I get away with it!"

And they BOTH could have shared the stripper brains!