
I am pretty sure "easy non grave robbing access to brains" would be the secret that he holds over these folks.

Are you here all week? Should I try the veal?
Need I remember to tip my server?

I mean, she seems to have embraced the world of shirts that cover one's stomach post Lazarus Pit.

You would be evil too if your parents made you be a garden gnome after yours was repossessed. "Bewegen Sie nicht!"

It was one of the things that made Heroes unwatchable, well more unwatchable, once you realized they could undo every corner they painted themselves into just by having Hero do his time travel stuff.

And his whole being pissed about Laurel being Canary, its like shes your daughter, you know how well she heeds things like "advice" and makes what we would call "good life choices"

Yackkity Sax would have made that whole chase scene on foot 10x better.

Lance knew Felicity knew the Arrow. Soooo the Arrow would be trying to shoot Felicity why with his logic of 'Arrow bad' ?

She and Captain Lance can start a support group.

Am I the only one who after seeing how they got the walkers back into the trailers to "reset" them, started to imagine SNL Stefon saying something like

Maybe he taught Roy to go with the "Randy from Christmas Story Defense" you know, just lay there like a lump, it's your only natural defense.

Side note, there are two actresses named Peyton List?
Thought that was a big SAG no-no?

Ahh, when I was a kid home sick it was Price Is Right, then some lunch, then click over to PBS to catch some Joy of Painting with my man Bob Ross.

Yea, I would gather his multitude of now diagnosed mental illnesses would preclude him from military service, and also would explain his methods of getting into the military in the 1st place, and decision to go AWOL.

I mean they were driving around in that Hyundai a few seasons ago that had not been built yet in 2010.

"It's like Ray's being rewarded for his semi-stalking."
And now I am cleaning coffee off my screen. But it did make me laugh

It has already been green-lit for season 4 just as a BTW

"Sudden change in character traits" seems to be the new thing in the Arrow-verse, between that and the "new" Felicity. Seems the motives and thoughts of the characters change week to week depending on what the writers feel like.

Just don't be dropping This Sick Beat (TM),
TSwizzle is not frightened to sue the League of Assassins for every cent and black cloak they own.

Happy Days and Love Boat, however, not as lucky lol