
Just something off when Felicity is showing more boob then Black Canary.

In a hurry for the show to get canceled are we? lol

FINALLY, The Rock has come back to Sterling City!

Most importantly, why did traveling at "flash speed" not cause Caitlin's clothes to catch fire and need to be torn off like Felicity's? Or was it just due to we saw her "goodies" last week, and thus fan-service filled? Continuity people continuity!

Just wait till SummerSlam, then the Arrow will show all those jabronis
(eh took the wrestling promo and ran with it, kinda had to)

Agreed, they seem to think "multidimentional" means, "hey lets make her break down and cry every episode, and also threaten to quit or actually quit Team Arrow every other week or so".

well it is the guy that she also said that he better kill when he left.

If the bad guys had actually, you know, used their guns more, pretty sure that would have countered the clubs and bats the mob had.

I know really, Felicity was OK with possibly sending countless citizens to their death in a street brawl, but not OK with going to the only known member of the League who can help train Oliver.

You were happy when it was the Penguin or Cat Woman robing you, at least they were somewhat sane.

Like my roomate in college said to me once when we were watching Batman the Animated Series "why the fuck does anyone stick around in Gothem? I would be like 'homicidal clown trying to poison us all? time to get out of town!"

The "this season Felicity mostly cries" is probally one of the worst character directions they have come up with in the series. I have no issue with being a moral compas, but basically the whole "can count on one cry per episode, and not waiting to hear others out" thing is getting old

Its not just that, it seems they keep going back to the "Felicity walks out and can't take this crap" well often.

The enemy of my enemy is my 'friend'. sort of idea.
Or you know, the enemy of the seemingly non-aging guy who wants to kill me and many others I know and already got me most of the way dead once, is my 'friend'

"I would prefer to see you dead then do something I don't want you to do" does sound a lot like the female point of view. I kid

You would at least Capt Lance would be all "hmmm good for Sarah, she's covering up her boobs while she fights crime now" That should have been the tip off that it is a new Canary right there for him.

Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.

My major takeaway this week, Mandy cleans up quite well.

When I took Spanish in college, the 1st class we went around saying if we had any previous Spanish experience. I deemed mine "Sesame Street working knowledge of Spanish" I could count to 10, say Hola, and "estoy llorando"

I learned that everybody gets Maaaaaaadddddd! Specially goats.