
"Avoid the Clap, Jimmy Dugan"

Nothing says "The 80s" like random mall appearance concerts by pop stars.

Also, the Civil War was neither civil, nor a war. Discuss.

Civ 2 lead to poor performance on more then one test or exam for me in college.
Played the crap out of that game until I got a computer that it would not run on anymore (I think Win 98 was the newest OS that it would work on)

I wish I was watching "Mitchell" right now.

All I know is I saw a good deal of Smokey and the Bandit in the season teaser at the end of the episode Monday, and that makes me smile.

Guessing you have not been by too many malls or Major League ballparks as of late, Dippin Dots is very much still alive and kicking.

"Now, I had heard that word at least ten times a day from my old man. He worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay. It was his true medium; a master."

I do believe that was The Hatian on the ship.

The system, is down. The system, is down.

I think they were in an Isetta, not a SmartCar.

It seemed to work out for Zed ok.

I did enjoy that in the ending credit sequence where they got to heaven there was a stern looking Tesla watching.

Bancroft Ontario,
Honey Cruller

Sooo….is it wrong to not have an issue with most of these songs?

Sooo….is it wrong to not have an issue with most of these songs?

But I thought New York was a hell-hole?  And that we were all well aware of what Homer thought about hell-holes?  Or were we supposed to just pretend that most of that other NYC episode did not really happen? heh

But I thought New York was a hell-hole?  And that we were all well aware of what Homer thought about hell-holes?  Or were we supposed to just pretend that most of that other NYC episode did not really happen? heh