
Fun fact: I work in human service work, helping teach life skills and tackle harmful behaviors in people with disabilities. My field of work is one of the most dangerous there is, with the highest rates of on the job assaults and deaths at the hands of people we are serving. I have 88 hour work weeks AND I volunteer

You see sensitivity cause you want to. I saw an opportunity to learn from an apparent disagreement.

Um what? I’m speaking in layman’s terms but it’s a fact that a handstand pushup, for instance, emphasizes a different set of muscles than a push up does.

I’m only taking issue with one part of your comment:

Have you ever tried to de-bone a mouse?

stash your debit card or cash in your shoe

I know these articles save people who don’t go on reddit from, y’know, going on reddit, but it still feels kind of lazy. I mean this article is the reddit thread, sorted by most popular, then copied and pasted with a few ‘User123 says’ and ‘another user suggested...’

I see it every day on my way to work. It’s insane. I don’t even flip the bird anymore, I had a dude follow me because I had the audacity to not let him cut me off and flipped him the bird on a Sunday morning. He was swerving into me and wanted to fight me. I heard him yelling it through my closed windows on the parkway

But there are plenty of reasons to keep plastic straws around—like the fact that many disabled people rely on them to drink and alternatives like paper straws (which get soggy and fall apart) and metal straws (which don’t bend) may not fit the needs of every person with a disability.

Goddamnit, Post - I don’t need to hear that autoplay at full volume.

Creepy old man? yes. Moron? Hardly

You can care about more than one thing at a time.

I give a flying fuck not only because it’s the epitome of sexist double standards but also because when we ignore men like Clinton, we pave the way for men like Trump and then we wonder how we got here.

It all matters. All of it. A president who won’t speak out about another president and his horrible behavior matters. A president who doesn’t feel that what he did to women matters, because it allows shit like what is happening in our country to happen. It starts with getting away with calling women and people of

While I feel for you, it isn’t anyone else’s responsibility that your child is autistic, its your’s, and its ruining other people’s dining experiences which they have a right to enjoy in peace. Stop trying to guilt others into feeling sorry for you (its no one else’s business what you experience every hour of every

My kid loooooved sushi as early as 4-5 years old. The issue here isn’t the restaurants selection, its terrible parenting and oblivious parents. People are fucking idiots.

I’m all on board with not having to deal with other people’s kids. But not every kid eats nothing but Mac n cheese and chicken fingers. It being sushi I think it’s the wrong reason these parents shouldn’t take their kids out to dinner.

You do realize that most drivers work for a cab company and lease the cars and the ability to driver under the medallion the company owns right.

I love reading, but the fetishization of all books is just so irritating. I’ve had people chastise me for dogearing pages of my own mass market paperbacks. One, it’s a mass market paperback that I probably bought from the used bookstore, and two, I bought it, not you. If I want to eat every page after I’ve read it,

And even if it is damaged beyond being useful, if it’s popular enough, there’s tens of thousands, if not millions, of other copies out there.