Steel Fox

@jdale: I doubt anything about LARP has made anything popular.

@Annalee Newitz: Really, because by my estimation women reamed by nature monthly.

@Erwos: I believe you misunderstand.

@Erwos: Unfortunately, for every level minded, accepting religious person there is at least 20 "Da Bible says sience is a lie" people making you all look bad.

It is clearly a printer that prints more printers.

@Romple: Actually the something comming from nothing logic assumes there is a starting point. Infinity goes both ways. IMO the only answer that makes sense is that all the matter and energy in the universe has always existed and always will exist. Difficult to wrap one's brain around I admit, but there it is.

In that picture Jobs looks like he is dissapointed he has to offer netflix on his iTV.

@dallasmay: I didn't think you could freeze beer. Part of that whole problem of freezing alcohol. Or is beer enough water that you can get away with it?

Oh yeah, mankind can deep-fry liquids now. There is nothing that cannot be improved by deep-frying anymore!

@Google: Privacy is Job 1: Problem is I don't pay for ABC, NBC and CBS seperately. I don't like the idea of needing 3 different accounts to see everything I want.

This sounds like a great way to leave spy messages. If they can just make it not look so dorky I am sure Q will buy a few of them.

Of course it is "rather sinister" it is a left hand.

@moonshadowkati: When a star replies to a comment it automatically gets promoted. That way everyone can see what they said.

At this point the only thing that makes me consider a WM phone is that microsoft makes REALLY good dev kits. There may be other feature down the line, but I don't see anything else yet.

@Pahoo: I suppose this would be useful to people that wanted to be able to swap between form factors. Or possibly people who bought an iPad and realized they really wanted a netbook.

Can I vote for a netbook instead?

@mullingitover: IIRC the iPhone Exchange support consists of email only. Where I am, if my users didn't have access to thier calendar and/or contacts on their phone, we would have a mighty wailing and knashing of teeth.

@Wwhat: I agree that people who are smarter tend to have a higher quality of life and thus a higher survivability. I don't think the difference in survivability is that great. It seems to me that we are still destined for an Idiocracy senario.

I've been going to the kongregate mobile site since I thew 2.2 on to my phone a month and a half ago. I just hope does something similar soon.

So, any idea why everyone in this thing wouldn't drown during the first decent storm?