
Then yes, that counts.

Oh god why.

Deus Ex 4 plz.

Unsurprisingly, Okami is one of my favourite games of all time and I would absolutely kill for a PS3 remaster.

I'm not actually aware of it doing that, could you expand on which tracks?

We know, we've already had our Citizen Kanes a while back, but people don't seem to realise it's not about some kind of OMGDEEP game but the ones that actually shaped the future of the medium.

Context sensitive action buttons, real time night-day transitions, dynamic musical score (i.e. the BGM changed depending on the sistuation), cinematic presentation of plot.

Wow what a scrub.

It's not just the gaming community.

She does not have the mark.

I would be so fucking mad.

Woah, I don't think he's trying to take away from other games libraries.

Either one of these or a gamepad. Digital controls for racers are like a living hell.

I always buy Sony because Kaz has me locked in his basement above a shark tank.

>"I think I better play it for you," he said finally, prying my hands away and turning the keyboard towards himself.

Who the actual fuck uses WASD for racing games.

I completely disagree with you, the main point being that Darksiders is essentially structurally identical to OoT, with a few other games chucked in for good measure. Both TP and Darksiders were fundamentally repaints of OoT with bells on.

You'll be able to play them, but don't expect to be pushing beyond lowest settings for anything even remotely taxing.

Here's a look from another perspective. Perhaps it will clear things up for you.

A fair and balanced look at why consoles will die after next gen.