
Why the fuck would you even bother?

Is making a special box what constitutes ethical publishing practises to you?

Nope, the Wiimote/Move set up means walking is still mapped to an analogue stick. If they were cradled in a Zapper/move.. gun... thing then that's even better.

I made my own squirtle squad in-game to carry on the legacy.

Manhunt 2 was an abysmal game.

>Ocarina has aged about as well as Goldeneye

So is it just me or do Zelda fans seem to be breeding at a rate of knots now?

You don't actually need half of that stuff.

So video games are some kind of fantasy sexual aid to you?

You are entitled to your opinion.

Oh good god no, it was strictly observation.

There are no plot holes.

Holy shit!

I'd watch out, you're probably prone to monster attacks.

Only because of cartridge limitations!

I managed to get work experience in two local hospitals while I was preparing to apply for university.

>I didn't like how your viewpoint was limited to a teeny opening in the cockpit.

Let me briefly explain why you're wrong:

The first time I ever observed a surgical procedure (hip replacement if memory serves) I thought I had gone mental.

It's called attention whoring.