
I wouldn't really call Nintendo cool, just financially significant.

Ah, well that settles it then.

Twilight was shit when I was 21 and it's shit now.

>21 years old

It's only a matter of time.......

Absolutely no part of E3 2012 was hilarious, from any company.

Probably why "Channel 4" of all networks chose to visit.

Never mind solely at kids, any gathering spot aimed at kids as even a part of the demographic.

Mass Effect is not a children's game. This is.

Hey, maybe they should like, moderate the community messages that kids can see before they get posted.

I have been meaning to try this mod for a while now, I just hope it stays at the desired activity level until I get my PC back.

I was wondering what happened to this guy, his work used to get featured way more often here.

I'll give you a clue.

Because Nintendo paid for and helped develop the game.

>I swear they're worse than EA and the Madden series

Peasant detected.

There were no survivors.


It's not really the same kind of RTS.

Something's a bit wrong though when the current 3rd place has outsold last gen's third place by 3 to 1 and made substantially less profit.