Lol ok as long as I don't get a eulogy of my friends shooting their guns off in a video game
Lol ok as long as I don't get a eulogy of my friends shooting their guns off in a video game
It’s easy to sit in the sidelines, and tell people their words isn’t worth it. Get over it, it isn’t thst well done. Boo hoo
What a breath of fresh air, just from the screenshot alone I’m excited as hell.
Good Riddance. I never could really enjoy Naughty Dog games until The Last of Us. This is a good direction. Hopefully Sony doesn’t undersell the multiplayer again, which was the best part TLOU.
o god, please no one else fall for this. Razer products are cheap and bad, trust an actualy owner of the 2012 Mamba. Payed $125 for a 3 hour battery life and cheap platic glued into the mouse wheel that deteriorates, just no.
Better character design than Lightning. Can’t wait.
I’ll take Rich nerds over rich deuce bags any day.
Get over yourself deuce pickle. All I said was the video was too long, and it is for most people of them just shooting their guns and showing off their characters. That’s not honoring someone, the idea of the video is what honors him. You kotaku readers are just negative nancy’s that bitch about anything you can.
That’s how you seek attention? Really? Did you sit there and watch all 3 minutes of people shooting their guns at things? Use your brain, my comment was valid derp.
I’m all for this game, it just saddens me it takes that much longer for The Last of Us 2.. Shame on you gamers that don’t play the best multiplayer in the world right now, the campaign is overrated! gr!
3 minutes was too long. But I do respect it and it’s just so strange to think a friend so young could pass away. I hope his family the best.
Do you think if I insulted you Microsoft would stick up for you? Grow up.
MS Press Conference: 5.5/10
Opening was sappy. World premiere trailers of 3rd party games. Best news was 360 games work on One, and Gears 1 remaster..Every single trailer ended the same way with a monster screaming at your face about to kill you. At least Doom killed the guy.
More complicated than Smash? lolol
No one is salty about ROY OUR BOY.
And Ryu is perfectly in place, shush your little lips. ;)
I love anime, I hate blantant over sized boobs.
This is really long. But usually, 99% of the time the answer is No. No one that gives up on the relationship is worth it. If you can’t make it through a misunderstanding of some sort, move on.
Yea I guess I kinda was speaking out my butt when it came to the job thing. I really don’t know much about their studios anymore since their all over seas.
I’ll be happy to tell them right here, right now.
It’s really, really boring. Your formula is boring, stop making every game you make have the exact same objects. Innovate like you first did for the ideas for these series.
Stop making cringe worthy press conferences. Stop sucking dry your games by doing the COD effect.
I got it way back when before the expansions came out, and stopped playing the game until my friend wanted me to get the Thorn bounty for him.
I almost deleted it because it only had 6 shots. I found that useless for MP, because more shots and a radar ADS is more important to me. I’m glad I didn’t delete it, as they…