And the prize for Most Compassionate goes to....
And the prize for Most Compassionate goes to....
For me it was my grandmother, Annie. She was and still is an incredible firebrand and I aspire to be as brave and principled as she is.
All this “watching a pregnant woman” is super creepy.
I’m done with the cute hashtag nicknames. It’s putting a humorous spin on some truly fucking horrible people doing bad shit to innocent people.
Thanks Claire. You’re so ‘courageous’ for waiting this long to do the right thing.
As a beta male, married to a kick ass Wiccan woman, let me just say there are tons of us who are fucking HORRIFIED by all of this. My Grandpa taught me the rule of no when I was 14. He lived to 92, and I never saw him disrespect ANY woman, and I try to emulate him best I can. I was molested by my fifth grade teacher,…
From all your super defensive posts of him, I can only conclude that you are Drake, a fanboy of his with your head too far up his ass, or a trollbot.
This sounds exactly like something a predator would say
So which party is Bernie going to join for a month just so he can fuck with their primaries this time?
Turns out the Giant Meteor we’ve been hoping for will in fact be a Tiny Meatier.
Love Niecy to piecys, but I hate that this is another late night talk show helmed by a woman that has a sexy name. Full Frontal or Inside Amy Schumer, anyone? Men’s talk shows are just boring names, not “DicPics with Conan O’Brien” or “Grinding on Jimmy Fallon.” This trend has to stop. Just call it “Niecy at Night and…
Yep. This has been stunning. Following these stories- Weinstein/Bourdain. So much sadness....another person hurt now.
I don’t know about that. It seems like a billion things are competing for the “saddest thing” title, these days. 😢
Yes, for him.
There is no need to infiltrate organizations they are already members of.
Waking up in ICU with amnesia.
Have you considered that you might be a waste of skin? Skin that could be put to greater use elsewhere?
This piece made me snort-laugh very loudly at my desk and now everyone is looking at me like I am (even more) bonkers.
Her: “I didn’t do anything!”