

Well said.

What a piece of shit. He will never take responsibility for what he did, and I can only hope that it torments him before he dies.

That’s what the liberal media wants you to think. We just relocated it back to where we’ve been keeping the Sandy Hook actors.

Trump makes Bush look like James Bond.

I very much hope you are wrong. Seeing my family support Trump and refuse to accept that any of the many things that he has said/done exist or matter is insane to me.

I live in Missouri, and my husband and I have several firearms between the two of us. We grew up with them, and the ones we own were given or inherited. We used to live in the country and had a on-property range that let us shoot as hobbyists.

I know, and it is a tragedy.

This is what happens when you feed delusion.

There isn’t anything controversial about offering a conspiracy theory and citing an American satire from 1997.

This is fantastic.

The strip club/buffet? I’m not creepy enough

Just about. Last year some were bemoaning that there weren’t enough ‘white entrepreneurial’ drivers because foreigners and non-whites were not giving them a chance to compete. They were younger guys though.

I’ll be in Florida for the PGA merchandise show next month, which is basically a giant gathering of old white dudes. I am considering seeing a doc about getting some chill pills because I don’t even know how i’ll deal.

Yep. It’s my favorite weird smell and anytime I catch a whiff I think of old tv furniture piece my family had.

I saw this and thought, “damn, i’m year of the monkey”. It’s been a year of constant deaths in the family, depression, and everything going wrong.

What the fuck. I must live in a very privileged bubble.

I require a hoodie as well plz

Thank you to all the staff of Jezebel, you wade through bullshit news all the time to deliver thoughtful and snarky pieces.

I don’t understand her, but I feel for her. You don’t know how you deal with fame until you are there. I’m happy for her success in doing what she loves, and sad that some of it holds her back. She has focused on her fans during her career and I genuinely believe she cares about connecting with people on a basic human