I tried using a Nazi salute in my work ID badge photo. They shut that shit down so fast. Stupid fascists.
I tried using a Nazi salute in my work ID badge photo. They shut that shit down so fast. Stupid fascists.
well to be fair if no one dressed as the Nazi’s it would be a pretty boring reinacment.
Interns are the best scapegoats though. They’re nameless, inexperienced, mostly unpaid workers who seem to exist in the world of politics to do most of the work and take the blame when shit goes wrong.
Disclaimer: most of my knowledge of US politics comes from TV shows and the internet
...don’t try to go to Israel any time soon.
“Let he among us who hasn’t accidentally downloaded a Nazi for political advertising purposes cast the first stone.” -Jesus
Hell, I used one for my passport photo. Makes for some awkward moments at the airport, I can assure you.
Oh my Godwin.
To be fair, WHO AMONG US hasn’t accidentally used a picture of a Nazi in a campaign ad.
I love this raging inferno of “I don’t give a shit” Barry Obams.
Quack quack motherfucker.
Well, rape is pretty horrifying, and it’s about power...I don’t know what you’re implying about “testosterone-fueled” heterosexual men. I don’t think the desire to NOT be abused/sexually overpowered HAS to imply homophobia?
More, Mr. President. Do more.
“shared ad nauseam on Facebook” I love when this phrase is used with things that literally induce vomiting.
no way. we millennials pay all the money for all the things with our credit cards because FIX ME PLZ.
so i have some questions about that collared shirt choice
Just in time to tie in my new single, Don’t Make Eye Contact.
I would really like to emphasize the point mental illness doesn’t necessarily last forever. I have Borderline Personality Disorder, and when I was diagnosed it was all doom and gloom. Therapists avoid treating people with it because they’re difficult to deal with, there is no medication, etc. Finally read actual books…