Why Ron Burgundy have beerd
Why Ron Burgundy have beerd
I don’t know what we’re yelling about.
It’s a parody that they’re playing straight
Ugh. Jeremy Scott is like a really rich seventeen-year-old who’s been told too many times that he is cool and different and special.
I don’t like this because Katy is trying to steal my hairstyle.
Possible. But, they were really beautiful. Like, they had to know. I took it as genuine lack of humility which was just awkward and uncomfortable. They seemed pretty self important and shallow which is unattractive on anyone.
Enjoy your racial purity
Yeah, my brother did it, flirted with the really wrong political groups and while he’s wised up, he’s been Modern Orthodox for years. It’s a huge pain in the ass for everyone else to deal with.
Count yourself lucky. My husband’s sister went on one of those trips, came back and did “lots of Jewish events,” and ended up marrying an Orthodox guy who happened to be a joyless ultra right wing asshole. She was always a little behind the curve as far as dating, and she enjoyed the attention she got from the…
About the time I was 11 through the age 13 I BEGGED my parents to let me convert to Judaism...the reason? I wanted to have a really crazy/big birthday party, and I was told a bat mitzvah was like having a wedding, but it was just about YOU. All of my friends at the time were Jewish so they would all go to Hebrew…
That story seems very apt.
I always feel like a bad jew ‘cause I have no real love for Israel. I went right after I graduated high school for a 5 week learning program ‘cause I wasn’t going to seminary and ended up spending most of my time with a family who lived down the block. I went to the American stores to avoid the haggling and did none…
Here’s one: on a domestic flight I once witnessed two tall dark and handsome dudes walk on during boarding and an annoying lady said “oh, my, how handsome you both are!” and the first dude replied with heavy Israeli accent “we are Israeli, we are all beautiful”. To this day all I can think about that exchange is:…
I’m hoping that’s for all 40 participants? $3k/head is a lot more reasonable.
I went on one last year for people on the autism spectrum. It wasn’t my first trip to Israel, but it was my first without my family. I loved most of it but I knew that it wasn’t the whole story. It was hard to reconcile this beautiful place with some of the things I knew about it. I kept thinking about that story “The…
maybe thats the price for the entire tour group, not an individual?
Even $12,000 sounds a bit ridiculous.
Can anyone explain why in the world this ten-day trip costs $120,000?