
I was just gonna make a post saying the same thing. He's not off the market. He's just chosen a woman he felt was fit to be his wife publicly and have his kids. Won't stop him from sleeping with other women.

I sort of love Paris Hilton. No clue as to why. I mean, who wouldn't want a little villa for their dog?

Yeah, I think she probably wouldn't say/do that stuff again. But I have always, for whatever reason, probably her love of the ban hammer, thought of her as being more immature. Was she the one with the Polanski rape victim blaming? I can't remember

"Officially off the market" until his penis gets bored and he reverts to his player ways. Only this time, it will be called "cheating". Good luck to his wife. She married a real winner there.

I can see what you're saying about RR, but Jez has never had high standards for such things. At least she's not making 113 typos per post, like some authors on here. And I'm a bit smug when I know I'm right, too, so that's probably why I love CA. I feel like this site hires some real weirdos though.

I... What?? She's a writer for a feminist site, for Chrissake! And I like how she wouldn't disclose that she has herpes to her sex partners, but she'll tell the whole damn internet

Lol, I bet Dodai has rejected one or two of their kind

Sure but she has NO ROMANTIC PROSPECTS! /sarcasm. Hah, how would anyone know that/care?

They're an awful site; they've posted articles about the perks of dating an anorexic girl and how women have a moral obligation to stay thin. Their stuff on Dodai's "unattractiveness" contains a lot of racism too; not looking at pictures definitely isn't their problem.

False. Acknowledging the attractiveness of a celebrity isn't objectifying them, and you clearly misunderstand the entire notion since you're applying it incorrectly to innocuous comments. Nice try, though.

You chose the wrong person to fussy with on this topic. I think people can drool over whoever the hell they want, man or woman, or any variation thereof. No harm in drooling, darling. Just try to wipe up after yourself.

To play devil's advocate, why? If you can not be harmed and society can be helped, what right do you have to refuse?

I agree, but if you tear labels off tubes and throw them in a bin, you get pretty close. I guess you could run the specimen again and compare the results to what was done that day and figure out which tube belonged to who. But why would you want to spend hours doing that crap? It isn't the same as TV. You aren't

Why? If you give blood for testing and there is leftover specimen and the label is removed from the tube, how can you possibly be harmed if the extra blood is used to gather some population based data instead of thrown in the incinerator? Can the system be abused? Sure. Any system can. But even if the label is

I'm not going to outright say it was racist, just that it looks very, very bad. I wouldn't be shocked if Dodai left, and the site would be much poorer without her work. I hope she reads this stuff, in the comments, so she knows that a lot of us are mad and that we think she should be recognized

I agree with you that it doesn't look good because of the past history of the site. The reason I suggest another element is because if it was really racism I'm not sure (and I could be wrong) that Dodai would have made it as far as she did. When I first started using the site, I was surprised anyone black worked here!

Your second link is to a website that repeatedly says racist and homophobic things, not to mention their vile opinion of women. Their writing an article about this is little more than shit stirring.

Regarding the source for link 2

no, i don't recall it.

Am I the only one who still remembers when HamburgerHotdog got banned for calling one of the writers out for slut shaming that 13 year old that Roman Polansky raped?