
I know that this is not necessarily a popular opinion, so I thank you for sharing it. There are children all over the world who need to escape poverty and violence. Should we take them all?

you could just not date bozos

I don't know. I think a lot of women find the character he plays sexy and that carries over to real life.

Benedict CUM lol

I feel like the world is falling apart lately. Then again, I'm sure previous generations thought the same thing and we're still here. It seems like there are just so many new issues facing us, you know? :(

I said, "he would be a gorgeous woman without the beard" and my husband said "he's gorgeous with it!"

Yes my sweet sweet buttery bear

Of course. I'm just not sure what the solution is

Miss you butters

I feel really weird about this entire situation.

My mom is like this and it's sooo embarrassing! My boyfriend is Jewish (just culturally so to speak- he doesn't practice). The fact that he's Jewish is like the number one thing she thinks of when she thinks of him. Luckily, he just thinks it's funny/isn't offended.

how did you have time to hold them over the toilet all day? Not snarking, just legitimately curious.

Yeah, something about how consent lines were blurry because she fucked a much older man at 17. The thing is, I fucked a man in his 30s when I was 18. 14 ain't 18. Or even 17. It's just not. Children and teens grow and mature at an alarming rate. 3 is a big difference from 7. 30 and 34? Not so much.

Again, both of them seemed pretty drunk. That's not an excuse as she chose to go on a talk show drunk, but maybe it just flew out because she wasn't thinking clearly. I don't know if she or Mor ever gave an apology or response about that. It just made me feel really weird about them.

This is so obnoxious. Because she's not married she must be ugly and alone??? They must be conservatives. Those people usually think it's normal to not have sex ever outside of marriage.

I guess "can't stand" is a strong word. I don't think Rebecca is too PC, it's just a lack if professionalism I see in her comments at times. For example, she made a comment a while back she made about how Miley Cyrus was probably just too stoned to make moral decisions- which is why she was hanging out with Terry

In the slut machine video Tracie says she hasn't been raped because she is smart and doesn't hang out with frat boys. Admittedly, she was very drunk in the vid so maybe she didn't mean that.

Yes!!!! So agree. I didn't even know CA and Rose started as commenters but it makes a shit load of sense now. Can't stand either of them.

Agreed. The article at one point says Dodai is overweight, black, and has no romantic prospects because that's where feminism leads. Come on.

I'm changing my name because I got arrested. I hate that people are going to think I'm not feminist enough or something. I wouldn't change it, but I need to. I don't want us both to choose a new name, that's too weird.