
That’s a red flag for me, too. Saying women only date assholes is a cop out. I’m a woman, I think I’m an OK catch, and I don’t think I’ve ever dated an asshole. I’ve had relationships that didn’t work out, but it wasn’t because I picked an asshole. Assholes don’t get much past date one. You may fool me enough to get a

Wife is 5'9" barefoot, Heels can push her past 6'.

she’s trying to make a tuna casserole of sorts @ work? I would drop an anon note to HR.

At least you have the satisfaction that some of your urine maybe got on onto his shoes as he was kicking you through your piss soaked clothes.

I was once walking home from a liquor store with a bottle of wine, when a guy approached me and demanded my wallet. I thought “Oh, I could take him,” and smashed the wine bottle against the wall of a building. He laughed... in my hand, I had nothing but a cork.

No. What you do is you start getting progressively louder, then turn and yell at the space next to you that “You know that you are on parole but this mothafucka keeps testing me.” then turn back to him and give him your craziest eyes.

To be fair, the Quad City announcers’ booth is probably an unused concourse concession booth with Sully the licorice rope vendor relaying what’s going on.

I love Hillary but holy hot hell in a handbasket god dammit this woman makes me wanna celebrate in a way that Hillary never did. There’s just something so fucking funky and spunky about her is makes me want to curl up in a ball and watch fireworks on July 4th. She is down to earth human goodness and if I wasn’t

She’s too good to be President.

Ralph is mighty Fiennes!

Joseph always seemed to have a permanent simper on his face. I’ve disliked him since Shakespeare In Love.

We should fix that by giving everyone better healthcare coverage, not by giving inmates less.

I hope there’s a hoomba. A human roomba, also known as a midget on roller skates who picks up your trash.

Mentally adding “...but in a good way.” to all horrible news I read this week.

This show has got everything...Drew Barrymore, squealing young women, tripping young women, illegal transactions like Breaking Bad, baby jokes, zombies, bridesmaids, yoga cleanses, Tom Green, vampires, zany comedy, Adam Sandler cameo, sex, gore, and Dan Cortez.

Did you notice the ‘Eat Whoever You Want’ part of the cover?

I was planning to go, but logistics with work made it difficult, so I donated the cost of my plane ticket to PP, and I know a lot of women who did the same. I also know a lot of women going.

I have adopted the do it now mantra. So when dishes need to be taken out of the dishwasher, I just do it now. Fold clothes, I do it now. Need to go to the store I just go. I quit leaving things to be done later if I can get them out of the way.

How about have the ability to freaking SING YOUR OWN SONGS LIVE, Mimi?

Now playing

Yeah, he’s funny, fairly cute, and you know, not an abuser. Trade up. Also, surprisingly a very good singer, which I learned when he popped up on a christmas playlist.