
I’m not the one comparing the entire right to the people marching in the street with guns, nazi flags, hitler salutes, pepe, and murdering counter protesters with cars. In fact, my definition is pretty narrow - it’s not my fault that so many people on the right have decided that these things are ok.

Well maybe your definition of nazis is a bit too broad. If you consider everyone on the right a nazi it makes it difficult to root out the people doing real harm. Of course both sides of the political spectrum despise real nazis.

You reference the southern poverty law center in this post? Are you kidding me?


That time he sent Brad Lidge to hell.

He broke Brad Lidge.

Love Actually

I get it.

They don’t even have the best BBQ in Missouri

Also, doesn’t it seem awfully rude for your character to try to hurt their character? Wouldn’t it be better if they were just friends?

As a career statistician that has done federal cost benefit analysis, his comparisons are pretty lacking. A modern flight with in flight entertainment system and other conveniences isn’t exactly comparable to a DC10 in 1975. I’d also argue that demand side has increased pretty substantially since then. Since 2000

Unpopular opinion: Flying is actually an incredible value given that the above-mentioned flying greyhound bus can put you anywhere in the country in a handful of hours and just about anywhere in the world in less than a day. Obviously it would be nice if it were cheaper and more comfortable, but still.

I’m confident that you are. You’re reviewing RAV4's and parroting the opinions of Huffington Post. Excellent ad and SEO strategy, I’ll give you that. It doesn’t make for good journalism but money makes the world go round so I understand and respect it. I’ll just take my personal clicks elsewhere. I’d think you’d be a

It seems like Jalopnik has become an echo chamber for political views that ignore both sides of an argument and agree with whatever MSNBC said this morning. I liked it more when it was about cars. I’ll take my clicks elsewhere so someone else can make their fractions of a penny on my viewership.

What Muslim ban? Muslims from Italy, Germany, etc. can still enter the country.

It happens in a lot of families. Happened to me actually. You achieve some measure of success and the rest of your lazy, stupid, embittered family hates you for it.



LOL? Why? It is gimmicky. There’s no need for any of this permanent stuff. Anything written could be erasable, cards could simply go into a standard discard pile, etc... It’s pretty much the definition of gimmick.