“I’m just going to tell the truth.”
“I’m just going to tell the truth.”
Goddamit — where is Grandpa from again?
I was wondering why she appears in public wearing pajamas.
So in this one, is she dancing with her father?
Obligatory, from Heathers:
I didn’t know this amazing combination of MJB and U2 — she’s making me cry at work. She is stunning.
But... but... she wears a MASK! Her skin color is incredibly important.
its opposite, RT talks about what Putin tells them, Trump repeats FAUX News.
Hey now, he served his prison time. Give him a break.
Vienna Boys Choir FTW!
I love you.
I once dated a skinny, dark-haired twink named Chris, and then dated another skinny, dark-haired twink named Chris. My friends were rather confused when I insisted they were, in fact, two different men.
Decades ago, National Lampoon ran advertisements for Helmsly Hotels with Leona Helmsly saying things like “extra hydrogenated fats and extra salt? Nothing is too good for my Harry.”
I love studying history.
I was thinking False Maria from Metropolis.
Was Beyonce born when Regan was shot?
What a winning performance in “Naked Civil Servant”. I have the DVD and I show him off whenever I get the chance. The scenes with John Rhys-Davies are ever amazing.
freeze-dried balls of coffee?