
Why not just a CX5 with an off-road trim?

Why do you think they read the article?

I found this article to be interesting. You could always not click on it if you don’t care.

Nailed it. Always sand before you paint. Over time, you get crap that sticks to the walls, and probably had a few heavies from the last paint job, or some specks of paint that coagulated.

Oh for fucks sake just buy an outback.

Mazda 3 hatchback (also available in sedan but go for the hatch please)

WRX hatch would be the answer here, but Subaru forgot how to make those.

You can also buy purpose built litterbox cabinets. My wife and I were forced into buying one several years ago. When we first moved into our house it was just the two of us, the cat, and three bedrooms. A spot for the litterbox was not an issue. We had a pet door on our utility room, and she went in there. Then we

I’ll go one further on #1: dust your walls AND wash them. Use Dirtex or TSP to ensure maximum paint adhesion, especially in bathrooms and kitchens/kitchen-adjoining rooms.
Washing walls has an amazing impact on the appearance of a room; it will remove that dull or dingy look for a period of time.

The articles I’ve read have recommended cloth over the N95, not the other way around. Basically, if you put a cloth mask under the N95, you cannot get the seal around the face that is required for it to be effective. So putting the cloth underneath the N95 would pretty much defeat the purpose. 

Lifting their truck has nothing to do with obstacles, or utility.

As stupid as it is to have low profile tires on a big truck, the tread on those tires looks decent enough to be able to navigate that snow. My question is why would you lift a 2WD truck? What obstacle can you clear with just a rear open diff that needs that much ground clearance? Alas I think the neon camo pattern

As the resident ( I think only) actual honest-to-goodness Train Conductor on the Jalop message board, I’ll comment on a few things here:

I did the Instant Pot mulled wine a few years back, the gasket was stained and scented afterwards.

I probably should buy a new one, but now it’s just lightly tinged and doesn’t smell like much of anything.


So when i write these types of articles, it’s very much a “do as I say and not as I do” situation. I do not feel comfortable advocating for the cooler method because it is not 100% safe, but I have also set my immersion circulator to much higher than I recommend in this blog to speed things up, so take that how you

so, you mean the Maverick then

I just don’t really understand who this bike is for. It’s like a less powerful Grom with absolutely zero highway capability and unlike a small scooter it still requires a motorcycle licence. I understand why it's successful in its original markets but it seems completely useless for the majority of North America. 

The holiday doesn’t memorialize the plot, it memorializes the exposure and defeat of the plot. And the day isn’t in Guy Fawkes honor. They burn him in effigy. Perhaps you should have used more care when reading the Wikipedia article.

The real conversation here is how great Hugo Weaving was as V in “V for Vendetta”.