3/13. Scion FRS
3/13. Scion FRS
>>>Not sure what the Tenerife accident has to do with this story.
That’s...not entirely true.
Worst. Picture. Illustrating. The. Fiesta. ST. EVER.
Merc, BMW, Alfa, now Audi. Damn, Sauber gets around!
Shit color choices, just like on the non-special edition (and just like on the GR Corolla). Yawn. Pass.
Still looks like pig shit.
This has got to be the dumbest slideshow this site has ever put out. And that’s saying a lot.
This. The fact that it’s not available in a better color basically removed me from its target audience.
“He’ll”? “Golves”? “Right onw”? Has the editorial standard fallen THAT far here?
CP at any price. Yes, it’s almost brown, a wagon and manual, but I’ve driven its sedan variant before and it’s an irredeemable piece of shit.
That’s a good looking Mustang.
I love Volvo’s RWD wagons, but that’s a fucking INSANE price, low miles notwithstanding. But I’m almost certain someone will pay it.
The WRX sequence is all wrong. Hawkeye was the last one. And it was glorious.
Save, pay cash. Sorted.
Oh, for fuck’s sake, enough already. We get it, Max and Masi have been living rent-free in your head for the past ten months. Don’t for a minute pretend your boy hasn’t benefited from a raft of fortunate events on his quest for glory. And I’m not just talking about Glock.
Didn’t Merc discontinue the A-class for the U.S. beginning with 2023?
Anyone else read “PMS Edition”? Just me?
Gorgeous...eh. The livery was lovely. The cars themselves were too angular for my tastes. The one good thing they did, though, was launch Wendlinger’s F1 career. Too bad the freak show that was 1994 effectively killed it not two years later.
Costco isn’t a grocery store, though. Otherwise this map would be full of WalMarts.