
He also directed a nice funny little film called Choke based on a book by the author of Fight Club.

Only in America can evolution cause a flame war - while most people in the rest of the world sigh and shake their heads.

So what about the chemical castration of homosexuals, Galileo was put to death for heresy, as were many people in the dark ages. Lets not forget the persecution of people who practiced Witchcraft. I read history books all the time, and guess what the Bible isn't one of them. Please leave your hatred of "Liberals" for

That is a rather narrow view point - since both the crusades and inquisition were carried out by highly religious people. Lets not forget stoning people to death and burning witches, chemical castration of homosexuals, scientists being put to death for disagreeing with the church. When you say fact you should be

Matrix sequels > Avatar

But then the object was still 928,081,020 million km from Earth and nobody noticed what orbit it was in, so really probably nothing to do with us at all.

If one eye is weaker enough than the other to stop 3D working then you need glasses - just a suggestion.

Dogfish are un-killable predators ? Who knew ? P.S just skip to 1.40.

If the footage was unused then the marketplace battle is exactly as it should have been. I ignore this silly "marketplace battle was supposed to look like" and raise you an "marketplace battle could have looked like".

Just point out when Batman says he's 2D he's still 3D - just flatter.

Wouldn't it make more sense to have Magneto as Darth then Quicksilver as Luke and The Scarlet Witch as Leia ??? It's a nice a picture but it doen't really make any sense.

Not true - your rights and opinion are not measured by your size, strength or ability to perceive colour. That's the point.

Okay some it dragged a bit but don't even think of comparing GRRM to Lucas - Lucas raped something beautiful instead of moving on to something new - GRRM does not compare even slightly. Check out Wildcards (all near 20 books of them) if you need reassurance of his brilliance.

I wouldn't advise printing these out - I know they look very fake but having worked at a bank I can tell you the Police take a dim view of fake notes unless they have a large denial written across them.

Actually in a full on Socialist Republic enforcing copyright law would be difficult. It needs a good firm dash of capitalism to allow private corporation to edit your internet without any proof of wrong doing.

Someone in America needs to learn the difference between English and British, I'm a British citizen and I was born in Ireland for goodness sake.

Absolutely not ! People in books and movies don't wear headphones because it would mess with the story, I don't need to emulate fiction I just need my beats so NOOOOOOO.

AHHH - Still seems a good decision to not use it especially since you have no clue who she is or who is talking to her.

How is this the opening of the film? This is the debriefing of Agent Hill after the end of the film - it clearly shows New York being wrecked and Agent Hill remembering the Hulk going mad and wrecking stuff.

So what Jesus is pointing out here is another example of Apple being granted a patent on something they didn't invent which will eventually be invalidated in court.