
He finally ran out of his extra 30 lives.

See step 2.

I tend to avoid editorializing too much but this comes up a lot with these articles. My belief is that fan games provide a valuable service to gaming culture by keeping games present in our minds and providing new ways to experience the games we already value so much.

never forget

I kind of just want to play as a coffee cup now.

Obligatory: Fuck Konami.

More like fondont.

I got the same email from my parents.

Just a bit of warning to you buddy: as someone that loiters in Starbucks, the wives/girlfriends sent in for coffee while the other half sits in the car tend to be rather flirty with the other folks waiting for coffee. Just sayin’

Just saw this:

And I would walk five hundred miles,

If they’re charging for those assets, I absolutely care.

Yeah how dare he say something about the overwheming majority of entitled, whiney, bitchy little basement dweller herp derp I work at Wal-Mart but “going” to school for the fantasy game developer degree, keyboard warriors in the gaming community who think they are owed everything for free and their opinion is most

Darksiders 3 Darksiders 3. Must have Darksiders 3...

What is wrong with kids these days? Now they want video games that actually work as intended and don’t have major features glitched out? In my day we paid $60 for games that fatally crashed the moment you hit start, and when they did we went back to the store and paid them another $60 to thank them for teaching us a

Now playing

If there was an easier way to sort or search comments, I’m sure I’d find two or three posts of that from myself. It is without a doubt one of the best Wii U games out there period. It had everything that was great about the old games while staying new and fresh. Also...that crazy good soundtrack...

I keep saying it every time this list gets updated, but DKC Tropical Freeze is significantly better than at least a couple games on this list. It might not be a revolutionary game, but it’s a damn good game nonetheless, and easily one of the best Wii U exclusives. But of course, opinions etc. etc., words and such.