There’s probably already a wing delete option you can check for a mere $16,500.
There’s probably already a wing delete option you can check for a mere $16,500.
I am truly struggling to think of a single BMW newer than the E46 that I find optically attractive. I guess you’re right!
While I wouldn’t ever buy one again, you are very correct.. those E46s were handsome cars.
One more data point proving there hasn’t been a pretty BMW since the E46.
I might be alone in this, but I don’t find any of the modern McLarens particularly attractive. I think the P1 is aging well and the MP4's modesty is doing well, but I can take or leave the rest of them. This Elva and the Senna are downright ugly.
Such an amazingly thorough detail job would be more interesting on an old Lamborghini Miura.
The guy’s been building winning race cars for decades, but I’m sure you’re right to assume he’s a chump.
Papadakis surmises looks strong enough to handle increased power
A wiesmann once told me, “Don’t fall for any of this bullshit. I’m just bilking my investors.” He was a smart dude.
FWD is better in the snow though.
Dodge also gives financing to anyone who can fog a mirror.
Never happen. They actually transplant real EAGLE eyes into the Tesla’s autopilot system, and they glue like, 100 of em onto a disco ball thingie so it has 360 DEGREE VISION!!! Like some, some.. future-hawk.
Gasp! Another car from the same brand has similar design elements!?
Thanks, BahamaTodd. Patrick George declined my offer 8 months ago to publish my renders. Shame.
Crack Pipe! Like everything on the Internet I expect to pay nothing and get great content daily, or at least 5 days a week at 8 am.
When men were men and race cars looked like cars, men and women were dying on Grand Prix weekends like flies. The…