four loko

“now let them enforce it”-andrew jackson

that’s not how this works, that’s not how any of this works. his twitter is public, meaning you dont need to log in to see it. you get blocked for being a shit poster

i sat at turn 17A at sebring this year by the bump at the exit of the turn. ford and the porsche sound the coolest when they hit a bump and the traction control kicks in.

-it sure didnt sound like that at sebring

queue the ppl saying “if you cant backup a trailer without a knob” approve of this


or you can get 450 out of a 213cu in in the lincoln

i mean i’ve seen that done with mediocre FSAE teams

aren’t school shootings a relatively new problem?

my saturn has a low cat efficiency CEL, either something is wrong with the post cat O2 sensor or the cat; still get 30mpg, just have to deal with CEL being on all the time and it comes back on eventually after resetting it.

with how powerful cars are today, and needing to tow heavy like trucks, there is no need for more than like 8 or 9 gears. maybe that many gears would be better if you downsized to like 1L/3 cyl

no, no thanks

having been to 4 imsa races in the last 2 years, it sounds boring like the BMW’s. doesnt sound angry like the ford or porsche.

non citizen college funds

waiting for an article about aluminum prices are down 4%

mind if i cross the border between the public and the interior of your house? oh

shoot on sight

what about all the trash in rivers in india? at least they are in the paris accord right?